Thursday, September 3, 2020

The International Law of Human Trafficking Coursework

The International Law of Human Trafficking - Coursework Example The specialist expresses that regardless of the high number of ladies taking a shot at the worldwide issue of human dealing is self important. The ladies who appear to work for the finish of this awful practice are the ones who, so as to get away from the said neediness, participate in the dealing. They typically pull off it since their activities are less dubious and a portion of their activities are sponsored without anyone else logical answers. Various cases have risen where ladies who are the ‘rescuers’ of dealt ladies had been seen as included. In that, they salvage a few ladies while traffic a few ladies. Their activities are viewed as an endeavor to save the ladies whenever found with remote ladies with no appropriate documentation. These ladies have felt free to make realms and tremendous riches with this business while professing to safeguard dealt ladies. As per Fox news discharged on the March 23rd of 2015, a lady was accused of dealing her little girl so as t o get cash to purchase drugs. Another view inside and out in the cartel of human dealing is the way that the legislature has put measures and laws that ensure people and targets killing human dealing. In any case, a similar government bodies put to administer against this bad habit is working with the crooks in leading and driving this business. One online news place the Kaieteur online news, a paper in Guyana, uncovered some police who were engaged with human dealing. The report documented by news essayist Abena Rockcliffe expressed that the leader of Guyana ladies miners’ association, Simona Broomes was against the possibility of the administration presenting maverick police on specific territories. This comes after certain cops were beating to have been associated with activities that were not policing specified.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

EchoStar Communications Free Essays

Charles W. Egren established EchoStar Communications in 1980. The Company and its auxiliaries convey Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) TV items and administrations to clients around the world. We will compose a custom paper test on EchoStar Communications or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now EchoStar Communications Corporation obtained the permit to convey DBS items in 1987 and is a traded on an open market organization (NASDAQ: DISH). As at April 27, 2007, EchoStar Communications Corporation is exchanging at $ 46.51 per share. EchoStar gives Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) TV items and administrations (satellite conveyed advanced TV) through its DISH NetworkTM to more than 12 million clients in the United States of America. The company’s shares are doing all around contrasted and organizations in a similar industry like Comcast and Verizon. As at April 27th, 2007, Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ: CMCSK) is exchanging at $26.68 per share while Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE: VZ) is selling its offers at $38.15 a piece. Comcast Corporation is a link administrator in the United States and offers an assortment of customer amusement and correspondence items and administrations. Verizon Communications Inc. is a supplier of correspondences administrations. It has two portions, Wireline and Domestic Wireless, which it works and oversees as vital specialty units and sorts out results and administrations ( These organizations all have comparable items to Dish Network. Comcast Communications is a link mammoth and was the main broadband supplier in the nation in 2005. Link administrators like Comcast have been pioneers in providing fast Internet associations with customers. They offer lower costs and higher velocities, in this way increasing a market of around 22 million U.S. family units out of an aggregate of 39 million that have broadband. Verizon (a telecom goliath) needed to get into the TV business on the grounds that Comcast and the other link organizations were getting a portion of the telecom advertise. So as to support development Verizon need it expected to move forcefully into new markets.â Verizon dropped their costs for broadband to as low as $15 every month and wrenching up speeds. The organization likewise began offering speeds multiple times as quick as standard link administration. It focused on TV and broadband and offered extra-quick Net associations and TV administrations. Moreover, Verizon began to offer clients similar groups of voice and video that the link players do. They needed to do this in light of the fact that the link business was taking an offer in the voice showcase. This brought forth Verizon TV, which offers administrations like permitting clients to watch one show and, simultaneously, record another. Other link organizations didn't offer this. Verizon TV additionally has more channels and more decision of on-request video than a portion of its rivals like Dish. Today, with in excess of 12 million clients, DISH Network offers the most minimal all-computerized TV cost in America. References Revamped And Ready For Combat. (2005). Recovered April 27, 2007, from Instructions to refer to EchoStar Communications, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

El Cid and Kracauer’s Mass Ornament :: Medievalism Kracauer Film Cinema Movies

The various verifiable movies that simply represent the past are endeavors at double dealing as indicated by their own terms. Since one generally runs the threat, when imagining current occasions, of turning effectively volatile masses against incredible establishments that are in actuality regularly not engaging, one wants to direct the camera towards a Middle Ages that the crowd will discover innocuously illuminating. The further back the story is arranged generally, the more bold movie producers become. They will hazard portraying a fruitful unrest in verifiable outfits so as to incite individuals to overlook present day unrests, and they are glad to fulfill the hypothetical feeling of equity by shooting battles for opportunity that are long past.1 Kracauer’s investigation of the chronicled film comes full circle in an excusal of chronicled, and along these lines accurate, adequacy. In this situation, the period piece can accept a previous time period as a takeoff from the weight of precision rather than an acknowledgment of it. Scholarly records demonstrate that El Cid (dir. Anthony Mann, 1961) disregards quite a bit of Rodrigo Dã ­az de Bivar’s authentic endeavors as a warrior for enlist, battling more regularly for pay than any strict or good certitude. Why, at that point, was this character’s story so engaging as a stage for a verifiable epic film? El Cid’s recorded uncertainty recommends that it’s story is more fittingly nitty gritty for potential stylish accomplishment than authenticity. Kracauer starts depicting the tasteful state of the mass trimming as a kind of perspective to the Tiller Girls, a presentation bunch dependent on visual consistency. He centers around their presentation of copying and reiteration, through which they are â€Å"no longer individual young ladies, however constant young lady groups whose developments are shows of mathematics.... One need just look at the screen to learn that the decorations are made out of thousands of bodies, sexless bodies in swimsuits. The normality of their examples is cheered by the majority, 1 This entry is taken from Siegfried Kracauer’s article â€Å"The Little Shopgirls Go to the Movies.† themselves orchestrated by the stands in level upon requested tier.2† Already, there is a purposeful anecdote crossing over this presentation craftsmanship with the film. The majority are unmistakably the film’s target group accumulated in a theater, which creates the present day mechanism for the true to life adornment. The film’s entertainers become the performative part of this condition, wherein their acting and contribution in a character job, regardless of how significant, is small and superfluous without the rest of the usable entirety. The film opens with an impactful look at this wonder, as Rodrigo conveys a cross through a vacant scene. All things considered, his extraordinary fights and initiative are conceptual and incapable without the gigantic armed force of devotees. As the substitute Christ figure, he exhibits the nonappearance of the epic’s adornment: a singular figure,

Saturday, June 13, 2020

How to Write a Character Analysis Essay (2020 Guide)

How to Write a Character Analysis Essay (2019 Guide) Table of Contents1 Definition2 How to Write a Character Analysis 3 Character Analysis Essay Outline 4 Character Analysis Examples4.1 Macbeth Character Analysis4.2 Great Gatsby Character Analysis4.3 Crucible Character Analysis4.4 Lord of the Flies Character Analysis5 Character Analysis Essay Example 5.1 Hamlet6 How We can Help You7 Conclusion While character analysis might sound like this sophisticated demand, this really isn’t the case. Writing a character analysis essay can actually be quite enjoyable. This is your moment to roll up your sleeves and play armchair psychologist. You get to assess a fictional personage and make a case about their strengths, weaknesses, secret desires, perversions, shortcomings, needs and issues. This gives you the power to play shrink and essentially give the reader the rundown regarding why this fictional person is so weird, intriguing, or infuriating. A character analysis should always be fun to write as it gives you the chance to speak with authority about another person. You get to judge, criticize, approve or condemn someone else, and as long as you have textual evidence back up your opinions, everything you say is permissible. Definition A character analysis consists of an evaluation of a particular fictional personage from a story, play, novel, film or other work. When you complete a thorough one, you need to assess a character’s personality, attributes, the function they provide for the plot, and the clashes they experience, as well as the ones they help to create. When you engage in a character analysis, you really want to be as objective as a shrink with a clipboard, and assess each fictional individual in the most analytical fashion possible. A character analysis is largely the culmination of: the things a character says, the things a character does, the things other characters say about him or her, and things the narrator tells us about this person. A character analysis can also include what this person looks like, their socioeconomic background, or other details that are relevant to the reader. A good assessment of this type takes everything into account and really all data available in order to make a nuanced evaluation. How to Write a Character Analysis If you find that writing a character analysis feels daunting, break it into steps so that it can feel less intimidating. Select a character and apply the following steps to this fictional person: #1 Determine if the character is major or minor. Does the character have a big influence on the plot or vice versa? Is this character positive or negative? Using the example of Daisy Buchanan from Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: Daisy is a major character. She wields an enormous amount of influence, both positive and negative, on other characters, including the title character, as well the plot. #2 Underline or highlight: everything the narrator tells you about him/her, everything other characters say about him/her, and everything this character says/does that you find of much significance to the plot. #3 From all of your underlined material, narrow down your findings to a list of the most significant. For example, if you were writing about Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby, you might write: Comes from old Southern money Originally from Louisville Kentucky Has a â€Å"sad and lovely† face Has â€Å"bright eyes and a bright, passionate mouth.† has affair with Jay Gatsby says being â€Å"a beautiful little fool† is all a girl can be in this world maintains friendship with Jordan Baker has a daughter goes over to Nick’s house for tea kills Myrtle Wilson by accident tells Tom he’s revolting does not attend Gatsby’s funeral #4 Write down the ultimate ending of the novel: how do all of the events and people come together to create a conclusion. Consider: in what way does the character in question have an influence on the end. Are they a bystander or a participant to the ending? Neither? Both? At the end of Gatsby, Daisy has been torn between two men, her husband Tom, and her girlhood love (Jay Gatsby), who she had been having an affair with. Everything Jay has worked for thus far, has been to win Daisy back. By the end of the novel, it looks like Tom may prevail after all, and that all of Gatsby’s efforts were in vain. Jay dies, murdered by the husband of the woman that Daisy unintentionally killed. #5 Examine all of the data you’ve collected and a make a final summarizing analysis of the character in one or two sentences. This sentence(s) will be the overarching umbrella of your character analysis. Daisy Buchanan is a symbol of the inversion of time, space and social class. Character Analysis Essay Outline Introduction Hook: Make an interesting observation or assertion about the character in question. Discuss why this observation/assertion is significant to the events of the text. Thesis: Your thesis should revolve around a provable statement regarding a thoughtful evaluation regarding the character in question. First Supporting Paragraph Make an assertion that supports your thesis. Offer supporting evidence from the text Discuss why this evidence proves your assertion in sentence one. Second Supporting Paragraph Make an assertion that supports your thesis. Offer supporting evidence from the text Discuss why this evidence proves your assertion in sentence one. Third Supporting Paragraph Make an assertion that supports your thesis. Offer supporting evidence from the text. Discuss why this evidence proves your assertion in sentence one. Conclusion Restate your thesis using non-repetitive language. Remind the reader how your previous paragraphs have helped prove your thesis. Connect your thesis to the overarching theme of the text and to a â€Å"bigger picture† issue in human experience. Stuck Writing Your Character Analysis Essay? View All Our Example Character Analysis Essays Have A Custom Example Essay Written Character Analysis Examples Macbeth Character Analysis Lady Macbeth is a character that shuns the morality that governs the actions of most people. While she does not kill anyone, her seasoned manipulation of her husband ensures the murder of King Duncan. This murder ensures she will be Queen, and ascend to the highest stature of power that a woman can have in Scotland. Many scholars refer to her as cunning, and she is indeed both cunning and calculating. However, one of the best words to describe Lady Macbeth is manipulative. She is very adept at using her words or actions to coerce others to do exactly what she wants or to think exactly what she wants. This is most notably seen in Act 1 Scene 7. Her husband has decided not to go forward with her idea to murder Duncan, stating, â€Å"We will proceed no further in this business.† This rejection of her plan and her agenda sends her digging up a scathing response: â€Å"Was the hope drunk Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now, to look so green and pale At what it did so freely? From this time Such I account thy love.† (1.7 36-39) Implying that he a is a coward is demeaning, but what is even worse is the implication that his decision is undermining how she will view his love for her. This is an example of exceedingly shrewd manipulation. Lady Macbeth is a seasoned manipulator and a person who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Great Gatsby Character Analysis Daisy Buchanan is more than just the trophy or the presumed prize for becoming wealthy: she symbolizes being able to transcend the impossible. The first way she represents this notion is in the fact that reuniting with her is a manipulation of the space-time continuum. Gatsby seeks to repeat the past, something that is as doable as attempting to go back to colonial New England for the Salem witch trials. Daisy also represents another type of ascension, a manipulation from out of the socioeconomic class that Gatsby was born into. In America, it is alleged that one can climb into the upper classes through hard work and determination. Jay does ascend, but there’s a limit to it: he gets close but he still can’t win over the old money girl. This suggest that there is a demonstrates that there is a restriction on how much one can transform oneself, at least socioeconomically. Daisy remains with Tom in part because of the generations of money he comes from and the prestige of his name. Daisy is crucial in unveiling these two themes that wind around the plot. Crucible Character Analysis The Crucible’s John Proctor is the portrait of a man who is a direct manifestation of the torture that extreme religious beliefs can wield on the human psyche. Proctor did have an affair with Abigail Williams, though according to her, he initiated it. He deeply regrets it, even seemingly on a daily basis. When Proctor attempts to end the affair with Abigail, he asserts, â€Å"But I will cut off my hand before I‘ll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of mind†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This clearly demonstrates his severe connection to his religion and directly implies the guilt that he is likely riddled with. This line is a direct reference to Mark 9:43, which asserts, â€Å"And  if your hand offend  you,  cut it off: it is better for you to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched.† Clearly, this is not a practical way to go through life. However, it is revelatory of the severe religious beliefs that sha pe the reality of the people of Salem, and suggests the extreme guilt Proctor must feel as a result of his actions. His next sentence only deepens our understanding of him: â€Å"†¦we never touched, Abby.† This is a blatant denial of fact, and shows his intense inner torment, a torment that no doubt creates much of his unhappiness and his tortured experience in life. This remark shows he wrestles with his religion and with his connection to reality. It suggests that as devout as he is, he is still unable to tell the truth and ask for forgiveness properly. At the beginning of the play, Proctor would still rather commit to this deception and the pain it causes him, than bring the actions of his past out into the open for healing. Lord of the Flies Character Analysis Simon is definitely an aberration when compared to the other boys he is surrounded with, as he is a lucid representative of divine goodness and virtue—to an otherworldly degree. It is not uncommon for particular novels to be contain â€Å"Christ figures† which are characters that exist not only to make religious parallelisms, but to juxtapose the flawed humanity of the other characters. If Jack represents all that is wild and untamed, and Ralph represents an organized society, Simon is representative of the divine source energy from which all of humankind has originated. So much of the description dedicated to Simon makes him seem wiser than his years, and often describes him in ways that evoke a sense of serenity and light. However, perhaps the most telling exchange that connotes his ethereal quality is during a moment he has with Ralph, when Simon explains that he really believes that Ralph will somehow make it back home. Simon starts by asserting, â€Å"You’l l get back to where you came from† (154). This statement is portentous and startles Ralph a bit, and questions him about it. Simon sticks to his belief, still asserting, â€Å"I just think you’ll get back all right† (154). Here Simon is lucidly displaying his otherworldly quality via his uncanny ability to portend the future. This is yet another way he others himself from the group, and is another way he perhaps seals his fate. Character Analysis Essay Example Hamlet In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Ophelia only appears in one quarter of the play’s 20 scenes, though she makes an indelible impression. While the play could exist without her, and the majority of the pivotal events of the plot would remain untouched, she gives the play an even more intense air of tragedy, of things coming undone. Both Hamlet and Ophelia have moments of madness and irrationality. Hamlet’s expression of this behavior is more frenzied and chaotic, whereas Ophelia manifests insanity as an inversion of Hamlet’s frenzy. Ophelia is a living incarnation of the tragic core of the play: without her the play is a series of hectic, confused, rash and violent events. Through Ophelia’s personage, words and actions, one is provided with a manifestation of the dreadful events that have already come to pass as well as those that are doomed to occur. At the start of the play, Ophelia represents the luminous clouds in the sky that suggest a coming storm. The clouds are dazzling, but do not betray the tempest that it s yet to unfold. Ophelia is a character that has already suffered an enormous loss when the play opens. She is motherless, as her mother is dead and may have even died in childbirth. Hence, the first few scenes where the audience observes her, she is the picture of someone who has had to carry great grief in life with much silence and composure. She is then barraged with more grief: Laertes, her brother, and Polonius, her father, warn her against trusting Hamlet’s affections. When Laertes gives her this advice, she promises to heed it, essentially placating him. After he leaves, her father reiterates the same advice, except with more harshness, and that’s when we get a glimpse into Ophelia’s mind and heart. Consider the following exchange: Ophelia: My lord, he hath importuned me with love In honourable fashion. Polonius: Ay, fashion you may call it; go to, go to. And hath given countenance to his speech, my lord, With almost all the holy vows of heaven. Ay, springes to catch woodcocks. (1.3 110-115). This exchange clearly shows that Hamlet had spoken to her about love with honor and seriousness and that he had made promised to her. What isn’t said in this exchange, is that Ophelia believed these words. And now her father and brother have had to step in and not only tell her these words weren’t sincere, but that they were designed to be manipulative. This is disturbing and distressing information about someone she loves: he is more than just lacking sincerity, he is attempting to deceive her. This paints Hamlet as more of a foe to Ophelia rather than a potential beloved. One cannot underestimate how much this has all disturbed Ophelia. Yet that play tells us none of that, other than â€Å"I shall obey, my Lord.† This is one of the final instances of stoicism, of the proverbial dam intact before bursting out of control. Ophelia’s quiet grief suggests a detachment disorder when she does finally make contact with Hamlet and he is nothing but rude to her. Repeatedly, he tells her to go to a nunnery. However, more revealingly, he plainly states that â€Å"I did love you once (3.1 117) to which Ophelia replies, â€Å"Indeed, my lord, you made me believe so.† When Hamlet doubles down on this asserting â€Å"I loved you not† Ophelia replies simply â€Å"I was the more deceived.† Many people would have broken down in emotion at Hamlet’s words, however Ophelia is more concerned with his erratic behavior and fretting about his mental health. Ophelia’s stoic responses border on enigmatic and signify a woman cut off from her emotions. Hence, it is no surprise that when she sees Hamlet again and he makes insulting remarks to her that are even worse, this instance represents another blow to her already worn psyche. The death of her father is, of course, the final breakin g point of her sanity. Ophelia’s descent into madness is a result of all the grief and disappointment she’s had to endure in life. Hamlet manifests his madness via a chaotic nonsensical irrationality. Ophelia’s madness constantly refocuses one to the long line of tragedies past and current that underscore the entirety of the play. Consider her line â€Å" I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died: they say he made a good end† This line underscores the enormity of death in the play, namely the death of the father figure. Both her and Hamlet have suffered such a loss. However, Ophelia’s words suggest a blow so devastating to the heart that it has the capacity to extinguish life from violets. She sings â€Å"He is gone, he is gone, And we cast away moan: God ha mercy on his soul!† (114) This song that encapsulates the grief, the pain and suffering over the loss of her father. This is in stark contrast to the muddled frenzy that Hamlet indulges in, as a result of his own grief. All things considered, Ophelia’s small part represents a slice of functional humanity in the play Hamlet. She represents the person who can bear the burden of grief until she can bear it no more. Ophelia serves to remind us that the human heart is fragile and one must be careful with it. Her quiet death serves as a metaphor for this fragility: her garments drink up the water from the brook until they can bear it no more and she drowns. Hamlet continues his whirlwind of turmoil until the very end, but teaches one little about the human heart. Ophelia provides the play with a sense of what it means to be human. How We can Help You Our essay writers understand the pressure placed on you to create innovative character analyses on texts that teachers have seen year after year. This creates an undo pressure on the student to interpret decades, or sometimes centuries old characters in ways that are completely fresh. Sometimes this is a realistic expectation placed on the student, and other times, it simply isn’t. Our writers have long written unique essays under such pressure, constantly re-examining these character from a fresh lens. Even if you just need some help brainstorming, proofreading with suggestions, or a help with a draft, our writers are exceedingly well-versed with meeting the needs of the modern day student. Conclusion In summary, while we try not to judge and criticize others in life, engaging in character analysis gives you permission to do so. Daily life encourages us to live and let live, dismissing the flaws, quirks and shortcomings of others as part of what makes them human. Doing a character analysis allows you to gather all this data and assess, evaluate, judge and label in a way that life does not ordinarily encourage. When writing a character analysis essay, challenge yourself to find more subtle supporting details from the text that most students will overlook. This will make you appear to be a more innovative thinker and your teacher is bound to notice.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Quality Control - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3046 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/09/25 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? UNDERSTANDING QUALITY CONTROL ? Quality Control is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production. This approach places emphasis on three aspects: o Elements such as controls, job management, defined and well managed processes, performance and integrity criteria, and identification of records o Competence, such as knowledge, skills, experience, and qualifications o Soft elements, such as personnel integrity, confidence, organizational culture, motivation, team spirit, and quality relationships The quality of the outputs is at risk if any of these three aspects is deficient in any way. Quality control is a major component of total quality management; and the quality-control cycle consists of four steps: quality planning, data collection, data analysis, and implementation. o Quality planning consists of defining measurable quality objectives. Quality objectives are specific to the product or service and to the phase in their life cycle, and they should reflect the customers requirements o The collection of data about product characteristics that are relevant to the quality objectives is a key element of quality control. These data include quantitative measurements (measurement by variables), as well as determination of compliance with given standards, specifications, and required product features (measurement by attributes). Measurements may be objective, that is, of physical characteristics, which are often used in the control of the quality of services. Since quality control was originally developed for mass manufacturing, which relied on division of labor, measurements were often done by a separate department. However, in the culture of Total Quality Management, inspection is often done by the same individual or team producing the item. The data are analyzed in order to identify situations that may have an adverse effect on quality and may require corrective or preventive action. The implementation of those a ctions as indicated by the analysis of the data is undertaken, including modifications of the product design or the production process, to achieve continuous and sustainable improvement in the product and in customer satisfaction Data Analysis: The methods and techniques for data analysis in quality control are generic and can be applied to a variety of situations. The techniques are divided into three main categories: diagnostic techniques; process control, which includes process capability assessment and control charts; and acceptance sampling. Diagnostic techniques serve to identify and pinpoint problems or potential problems that affect the quality of processes and products, and include the use of flowcharts, cause-and-effect diagrams, histograms, Pareto diagrams, location diagrams, scatter plots, and boxplots Process-control methods are applicable to systems that produce a stream of product units, either goods or services. They serve to control the processes that affect t hose product characteristics that are relevant to quality as defined in the quality objectives. For example, in a system that produces metal parts, some of the processes that might need to be controlled are cutting, machining, deburring, bending, and coating. The relevant product characteristics are typically spelled out in the specifications in terms of physical dimensions, position of features, surface smoothness, material hardness, paint thickness, and so on. In a system that produces a service, such as a telephone help line, the relevant processes could be answering the call, identifying the problem, and solving the problem. The characteristics that are relevant to quality as perceived by the customer might include response time, number of referrals, frequency of repeat calls for the same problem, and elapsed time to closure. Process control focuses on keeping the process operating at a level that can meet quality objectives, while accounting for random variations over which there is no control. There are two main aspects to process control: control charts and capability analysis. Control charts are designed to ascertain the statistical stability of the process and to detect changes in its level or variability that are due to assignable causes and can be corrected. Capability analysis considers the ability of the process to meet quality objectives as implied by the product specifications. Acceptance sampling refers to the procedures used to decide whether or not to accept product lots or batches based on the results of the inspection of samples drawn from the lots. Acceptance sampling techniques were originally developed for use by customers of manufactured products while inspecting lots delivered by their suppliers. These techniques are particularly well suited to situations where a decision on the quality level of product lots and their subsequent disposition needs to be made but it is not economic or feasible to inspect the entire production ou tput. ? The ISO definition states that quality control is the operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality. This definition could imply that any activity whether serving the improvement, control, management or assurance of quality could be a quality control activity. What the definition fails to tell us is that controls regulate performance. They prevent change and when applied to quality regulate quality performance and prevent undesirable changes in the quality standards. Quality control is a process for maintaining standards and not for creating them. Standards are maintained through a process of selection, measurement and correction of work, so that only those products or services which emerge from the process meet the standards. In simple terms quality control prevents undesirable changes being present in the quality of the product or service being supplied. The simplest form of quality control is illustrated in the Figure below. Quality control can be applied to particular products, to processes which produce the products or to the output of the whole organization by measuring the overall quality performance of the organization. [pic] Quality control is often regarded as a post event activity. i. e. means of detecting whether quality has been achieved and taking action to correct any deficiencies. However, one can control results by installing sensors before, during or after the results are created. It all depends on where you install the sensor, what you measure and the consequences of failure. Some failures cannot be allowed to occur and so must be prevented from happening through rigorous planning and design. Other failures are not so critical but must be corrected immediately using automatic controls or fool proofing. Where the consequences are less severe or where other types of sensor are not practical or possible, human inspection and test can be used as a means of detecting failure. Where failur e cannot be measured without observing trends over longer periods, one can use information controls. They do not stop immediate operations but may well be used to stop further operations when limits are exceeded. If you have no controls then quality products are produced by chance and not design. The more controls you install the more certain you are of producing products of consistent quality but there is balance to be achieved. Beware of the law of diminishing returns. It is often deemed that quality assurance serves prevention and quality control detection, but a control installed to detect failure before it occurs serves prevention such as reducing the tolerance band to well within the specification limits. So quality control can prevent failure. Assurance is the result of an examination whereas control produces the result. Quality Assurance does not change the product, Quality Control does. Quality Control is also a term used as a name of a department. In most cases Quali ty Control Departments perform inspection and test activities and the name derives from the authority that such departments have been given. They sort good products from bad products and authorize the release of the good products. It is also common to find that Quality Control Departments perform supplier control activities which are called Supplier Quality Assurance or Vendor Control. In this respect they are authorized to release products from suppliers into the organization either from the suppliers premises or on receipt in the organization. Since to control anything requires the ability to effect change, the title Quality Control Department is in fact a misuse of the term since such departments do not in fact control quality. They do act as a regulator if given the authority to stop release of product, but this is control of supply and not of quality. Authority to change product usually remains in the hands of the producing departments. It is interesting to note that similar activities within a Design Department are not called quality control but Design Assurance or some similar term. Quality Control has for decades been a term applied primarily in the manufacturing areas of an organization and hence it is difficult to change people’s perceptions after so many years of the terms incorrect use. In recent times the inspection and test activities have been transferred into the production departments of organizations, sometimes retaining the labels and sometimes reverting to the inspection and test labels. Control of quality, or anything else for that matter, can be accomplished by the following steps: 1. Determine what parameter is to be controlled. 2. Establish its criticality and whether you need to control before, during or after results are produced. 3. Establish a specification for the parameter to be controlled which provides limits of acceptability and units of measure. 4. Produce plans for control which specify the means by which the characteristics will be achieved and variation detected and removed. 5. Organize resources to implement the plans for quality control. 6. Install a sensor at an appropriate point in the process to sense variance from specification. 7. Collect and transmit data to a place for analysis. 8. Verify the results and diagnose the cause of variance. . Propose remedies and decide on the action needed to restore the status quo. 10. Take the agreed action and check that the variance has been corrected. We may wonder QC is the same as QA? Let’s discuss†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Quality Control Quality Assurance F I R S T . . . . Quality control emphasizes testing of products to uncover defects, and reporting to management who make the decision to allow or deny the release, whereas Quality assurance attempts to improve and stabilize production, and associated processes, to avoid, or at least minimize, issues that led to the defects in the first place. Quality assurance, or QA for short, refers to a program for the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service, or facility to ensure that standards of quality are being met. Quality assurance includes regulation of the quality of raw materials, assemblies, products and components; services related to production; and management, production and inspection processes. It is important to realize also that quality is determined by the intended users, clients or customers, not by society in general: it is not the same as expensive or high quality. Even goods with low prices can be considered quality items if they meet a market need. QA is more than just testing the quality of aspects of a product, service or facility, it analyzes the quality to make sure it conforms to specific requirements and comply with established plans. S E C O N D . . . . Quality control means checking a finished product against the specification and rejecting anything that does not meet the specifications. Checks can be o n every item or on a sample. Quality assurance means checking the inputs to a manufacturing process, things like raw materials, measuring devices that are used and machine settings. If QA is done correctly, you should make little or no product out of specification. | | |TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT | |In recent years, National Kidney and Transplant Institute has assumed a trailblazing role in renal healthcare and | |organ transplantation in the Philippines and Asia and the Institute has constantly walked the path of service | |quality. | | |The Institute’s Total Quality Management advocacy was formally launched on March 28, 2001, a defining milestone in | |our delivery of quality healthcare. As supported by the Institute’s Quality Policy and Quality Objectives, we | |maintain service quality in all areas of the hospital. Quality Management is seen in all aspects of our daily | |operations: from the Medical, Para-Medical, Patient Safety, Infection Control and to the N ursing Services, quality | |permeates all activities. Incorporating the five pillars of Total Quality Management – 5S, Suggestion Scheme, | |Quality Circles, ISO to our Institute has allowed us to be more responsive to the needs of our patients and their| |families, visitors, and express genuine concern for their utmost comfort, welfare and self-esteem. | | |We acquired our ISO 9001 : 2000 Certification (Comprehensive Specialty Healthcare Services) in April 25, 2002, and | |up until now remain the only Philippine Tertiary Government Hospital who has attained the ISO global seal of | |quality standard. As a result, we have embraced and actualized the concept of Continual Quality Improvement in our | |services; and we acknowledge that it is through a competent workforce with selfless teamwork, dedication, and sense| |of accountability that quality improvement and service quality can be achieved. | | |For the past two years, as part of our service quality, we are implementin g an efficient Hospital Information | |System that ensures smooth and prompt processing of your transactions – from Admission until Discharge, requests | |for diagnostic procedures and release of results, requests for medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, etc. | | | |At NKTI, we make sure that your expectations from us are met; and our commitment to Quality also guarantees that we| |will exceed your expectations. |[pic] | | | | | | | |   | |Quality Policy | |   | |To fulfill the Vision-Mission of National Kidney and Transplant Institute, we shall provide the most appropriate, | |comprehensive, effective health care services to exceed our customers’ expectations. | | | |Our success will be achieved through full participation of our employees at all levels of the organization guided | |by our Quality Objectives. | | |National Kidney and Transplant Institute shall commit to ensure compliance to all regulatory, statutory, | |environmental, and health / safety requireme nts of the government and other recognized world organizations like the| |WHO, etc. | | | |The Quality Policy shall be communicated to and made understood by all employees through orientations, meetings, | |circulars, posters and other related means. | | | |This Quality Policy shall be reviewed annually or as necessary by management to adapt to current developments / | |requirements through continual improvement. |   | |Quality Objectives | |   | |T he objectives of the Quality Assurance Program of National Kidney and Transplant Institute is the preservation | |and enhancement of the high quality patient-centered care by ensuring that : | |   | |HUMAN RESOURCES have optimum skills and competencies. | |TECHNOLOGY and FACILITIES are state-of-the-art and properly maintained. | |SERVICES are delivered in the safest and most efficient manner. | |SYSTEMS are effective, well-defined and continually improved to meet customer requirements. | |AFFORDABILITY shall not compromise the cost of QUALITY. | |REQUIREMENTS OF INTERESTED PARTIES shall be observed with maximum compliance at all times. |   | |Above-mentioned Quality Objectives are inspired by the following CORE VALUES of TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT : | |   | |â€Å"Customer-First† Attitude | |Commitment and | |Competence Development | |Long-Term Perspective | |Process and Results | |Orientation | |Prevention | |Continuous Improvement | |Learning from Others | |Fast Response | |Management by Fact | Nursing services department Vision | |   | |Imbued with compassion, professionalism and excellence, we shall be the role model in the entire nursing profession| |and its allied health care services, globally recognized in the delivery of effective and efficient quality care to| |everyone we serve. | |   | |Mission | |   | |We are dedicated to serve and share our expertise to everyone with integrity and with partiality to none. |   | |Quality Objectives | |   | |PATIENT CARE | | | |Provide individua lized quality patient care using the nursing process to meet patient care needs from admission to | |home management. | | | |EDUCATION | | | |Establish a continual program in quality training and education to provide the staff with the cutting edge | |knowledge, skills and values to effectively and efficiently care and interact with the patients. | | | |CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT | | | |Review, evaluate and revise processes and practices, to achieve best outcomes. | | |RESEARCH | | | |Develop and implement research-based strategies on identified patient care needs and job performance needs. | | | |LEADERSHIP | | | |To provide competent, responsible, and accountable leadership aimed at developing and sustaining a creative and | |positive culture and milieu for professional nurses and support staff. |Core Values | |   | |Competence Compassion | |Timeliness | |Accountability | |Empowerment | |Respect Integrity | |Innovation | |Qualification |Graduate of Bachelor of Science in N ursing | |Standards / Eligibility: |B. Licensed to practice nursing in the Philippines | |Position: NURSE I (SG 11) |C. Member, Philippine Nurses Association | | |D. Licensed Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider | | |E. Licensed Intravenous Therapy (IVT) Practitioner | | |F. 4-months Basic Skills Training mandatory for non-practicing nursing graduates of | | |more than 5 years ago or 6 months hospital experience of no less than 100 bed | | |capacity | | |G. Computer Literate | |Qualification |Completion of two years studies in college relevant to the job or have undergone a | |Standards / Eligibility: |relevant post secondary or required training course: ELIGIBILITY: MC 12 Medical | |MST 1 SG 6 |Equipment/Services Technician | |Qualification |- Bachelors degree relevant to the job; | |Standards / Eligibility: |- 2 years of relevant experience; | |Statistician III SG 18 |- 8 hours of relevant training | | |- Career Service ( Professional ) | | |- 2nd level Eligibility | |Qualifica tion |Bachelors Degree in Radiologic Technology | |Standards / Eligibility: |2 years relevant experience | |Radiologic Technologist II SG 13 |8 hours relevant training | | |ELIGIBILITY: R. A. 080 | |Qualification |Bachelors degree | |Standards / Eligibility: |3 years supervisory experience | |Department Manager III SG 26 |ELIGIBILITY: CES | |Qualification |Bachelor s degree relevant to the job | |Standards / Eligibility: |2 yrs. Experience in cadaver organ retrieval |Transplant Coordinator I |16 hours of relevant training/administrative, proficiency, kills development | |SG 16 |Career Service Professional or relevant Eligibility for 2nd level position | |Qualification |Licensed Engineer | |Standards / Eligibility: |1 year relevant experience | |Engineer II SG 16 |8 hours relevant training | PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 807 October 6, 1975 PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION, PRESCRIBING ITS POWERS AND FUNCTIO NS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES ARTICLE VIII PERSONNEL POLICIES AND STANDARDS Section 20. Qualification Standards. (a) A qualification standard expresses the minimum requirements for a class of positions in terms of education, training and experience, civil service eligibility, physical fitness, and other qualities required for successful performance. The degree of qualifications of an officer or employee shall be determined by the appointing authority on the basis of the qualifications standard for the particular position. Qualification standards shall be used as basis for civil service examinations for positions in the career service, as guides in appointment and other personnel actions, in the adjudication of protested appointments, in determining training needs, and as aid in the inspection and audit of the agencies personnel work programs. It shall be administered in such manner as to continually provide incentives to officers and employees towards professional growth and foster t he career system in the government service. (b) The establishment, administration and maintenance of qualification standards shall be the responsibility of the department or agency, with the assistance and approval of the Civil Service Commission and in consultation with the Wage and Position Classification Office. [pic][pic][pic] Don’t waste time! 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Patients With Pancreatic And The Prognosis Of Lung Cancer...

Among patients with pancreatic (1), hepatocellular (2), or breast (3) cancers, comorbidity caused by diabetes mellitus (DM) contributes to diminished long-term survival. Yet, the influence of DM on the prognosis of lung cancer patients remains ambiguous. In lung cancer patients, two studies have shown that patients with DM survived longer than those without (4, 5). In one of these studies (4), the conclusion was based on a small number of patients with unclear diagnostic criteria for DM and inappropriate statistical analyses. In the other study (5), although a larger patient cohort was included, the proportion of lung cancer patients with DM was low (4.5%), and the definition of DM was ambiguous. Also, the survival was very short,†¦show more content†¦Lung cancer diagnosis for each patient was confirmed by pathology and/or cytology, as defined by the WHO classification, and classified according to the 2010 UICC TNM system (12). We reviewed patient records to evaluate the ind ications and outcomes. DM was defined by an FPG level ≠¥ 126 mg/dL, a non-FPG level ≠¥ 200 mg/dL, or an HbA1c level ≠¥ 6.5%. Patients currently taking or having taken medications for diabetes were also defined as having DM. The study cohort was divided into lung cancer patients with (DM group) or without DM (non-DM group). Statistical differences between the DM and non-DM groups were determined with the Mann-Whitney and chi-square test. Survival curves were assessed with the Kaplan–Meier method and the log-rank test. Survival refers to the interval, in months, from the initiation of the first therapy or supportive care, until the date of death or the last follow-up. The Cox proportional hazards model was used to study the effects of clinico-pathological factors on survival (13). All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 10.1 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA), and a P-value of 70 years), PS (0-2 vs 3-4), pathology (NSCLC vs SCLC), clinical stage (stages IA-IIIB vs IV), and first-line therapy (standard therapy such as surgery, chemoradiotherapy, or chemotherapy vs supportive care only). However, significant differences

Just a Little Fun free essay sample

When I was about 12, I was really into riding snowmobile. My brother Cody, who was 9, and I rode together all the time. One crisp, winter day, my niece, Brittany, 6, was over, and we decided it would be fun for us all to go ride our really old, beat up, yet fun snowmobile. My mom and sister were a little unsure about it but decided that they would be home if anything happened and we were always careful. So we went out just as usual and my brother checked the oil and everything else he needed to do before we rode. We got on: my little brother in front, driving, then my niece Brittany and me in the back. We were having so much fun. We have a grove of trees, 13 acres to be exact, and we were riding around on the back of the grove on the edge of the field, going fast and having tons of fun. We will write a custom essay sample on Just a Little Fun or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our faces were freezing like icicles and our cheeks were rosy red, but we didnt care, we were having a blast! We had gone around our usual path around the grove about three times when we were coming to the short edge that leads to the gravel road we live on. There is a driveway there and then a field across the road. I remember my niece yelling, â€Å"Faster! Faster, Cody! Go faster!† As shes yelling this, giggling between words, I was watching the road in front of us. It was coming closer and closer and we werent slowing down at all. Right that instant I knew something was wrong. I looked up at my brother and could tell he was nervous, starting to panic. We went right through the driveway and I watched as we sped right across the road. Then, BOOM! We hit the ditch and ramped it. We were soaring through the air for a short second or two then hit the ground like a gigantic rock that had just fallen from the sky. I remember the snowmobile slightly tipping to the side, the firs t time, and my niece was going to fall off until I grabbed her as fast as I could and held on tightly. At this point, there was nothing we could do. The snowmobile tipped again, and that was it, we all went down. As for the snowmobile, it just kept right on going. We later found it stuck in the fence at the other edge of the field, still running. It was a monster, trying to force its way through the fence. Luckily, we werent severely injured, just a few minor cuts and scrapes and we were only about a half mile from the house. I remember us all getting up and attempting to walk to the house. My brother was fine other than a big, HUGE, fat lip that looked like he had a baseball in his mouth! He was the first to arrive at the house as my mother and sister found him and started freaking out. Meanwhile, I was just really sore all over and slowly made my way to the house, dragging my niece along like a dead animal on a leash. I recall her sobbing, â€Å"Kyla, carry me! I dont know where my boot is.† Next thing I knew my mom and sister were running out to help us to the house. As I said, we didnt have any major injuries, just minor ones that didnt even require medical attention, other than a littlea lot of ice and some rest.